TAG: ☠ Action, ☞ Perception, ☢ Collaboration
DIFFICULTY: Novice-Intermediate
PRICE: $40 / Player ($45/player for a group of 2)
You are an inmate at FLEE prison, and at FLEE prison, the warden is a real tyrant. He’s incredibly mean to both the prisoners and the guards. As such, one of the guards has become fed up and wants to get the warden fired by helping you escape! The guard has given you the means to escape, and has let slip that the warden won’t be watching the cameras for 60 minutes today. So now’s your chance! Will you escape? Or will you be trapped in prison for the rest of your lives?
Prison Escape is a multi-room experience with a collaborative edge. Engage in a high-stakes scavenger hunt-like game that’s perfect for new and experienced players alike! Escape and CELLebrate your success!